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Old 11-22-2008, 11:11 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: El Paso Texas
Posts: 18
Heater system vaccume tube routing

Let me start off by saying thanks for all the great info on all of the subjects....My trucks heater system was all screwed up when I got it. someone had placed a manual shutoff valve on the heater core line. The factory vaccume accuated switch is missing. The small vaccume lines from the heater control were cut off, That black vaccume canister next to the aircon is unplugged, There is a switch mounted next to it with vaccume ports that is disconnected. Is there a wed site or literature I can get my hands on or look at to get this mess cleaned up. ...Let me tell you my story..I owned a 69 GMC 1/2 ton that was a great farm truck for many years, It even ended up in the cannal a couple of times, but never let me down. I needed a 3/4 ton for hauling cars and tools to and from my farm, so I sold it..My old friend said he had a 1970 chevy for sale and wanted 4 grand for it. I sold my 69 for 25 humdred. When I saw the chevy I liked it, anyhow when was the last time detroit made any thing worth a hoot...It was 3/4 ton factory air (that works) dual tanks,dual batteries, throttle control, and other neat options..I am still going to work the old dog But I want a solid rig with all options on line Like we say in the industry F.M.C. (full mission capable)...Thanks for the help out there......
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