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Old 12-01-2008, 07:22 AM   #5
petey-pablo's Avatar
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Talking Re: POR15, wtb and how much? And 6 lug rotor question?

yellowGT POR15 alone is just fine the frame & engine bay doesn't see the sun much so chassis coat isn't realy that necessary unless you drive around with the hood off. So answering your question No, but POR-15 has an ultra-violet sensitivity and must be topcoated if continually exposed to sunlight. Once topcoated, POR-15 will remain effective for many years. Right off their web site..
POR-15 likes rusted surfaces best. Seasoned metal and sandblasted metal are also good. POR-15 does not adhere well to smooth, shiny surfaces, but will adhere well to those surfaces with the proper preparation.
1972 Cheyenne 10 Short Fleet Side
Front 2.5inch Spindles with 2inch Springs Rear 4inch drop Springs.
454BBC TH400,Posi

1971 Cheyenne 10 Long Fleet Side
454BBC TH350,Posi Sold

Drive it like you stole it!

Last edited by petey-pablo; 12-01-2008 at 07:23 AM.
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