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Old 12-01-2008, 07:58 PM   #10
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Re: POR15, wtb and how much? And 6 lug rotor question?

Originally Posted by ZZ4Blazer View Post
Thanks guys. So you think that just 1 quart will be enough to do the dropmember, my spindles, and my front frame rails?
Way more than enough. A pint would suffice. If you spray it, you can thin it 20%. You can brush it on as well, as it is self leveling (does not leave brush marks) When I purchase POR, I buy the small cans. Once the can is opened (exposed to air) its shelf life is compromised. I do this because I do not like to reseal the can beacuse you need to put a piece of saran wrap between the lid and the can, otherwise it will seal itself shut permanently. If you get a large quantity, it is best to pour it into a mason jar, and make sure the lid and surface of the jar are clean so that you can open the jar again. Depending on how well it seals, it will last another month or so, and I have heard of guys getting up to a year before it hardens. Only pour what you are going to use into a separate container, and reseal what is left over immediately.

Last edited by leddzepp; 12-01-2008 at 08:04 PM.
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