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Old 12-02-2008, 01:01 PM   #9
hotrod 80
mini truck racer
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Baytown , texas
Posts: 3,010
Re: winter down time

It doesn't get much street time anymore as that just leads to trouble . 18 degrees would be sweet , but then i can't run "budget" classes The classes i try to run are heads up , stock suspension , 23 degree heads , with some type of CI limit . I can't hang with the ten 5 guys or outlaw 10.5 guys . I just don't have the budget . I work shift work so a bracket program with points is out as i could only make half of the races . Index , same excuse , eccept more fun to me ( JMO) . Now it looks like im building a truck for a class that has been killed . I called a bunch of the guys and looks like we are gonna do some 6.60 jack pot races next year . So we'll see . Hoping to run that on motor and spray on grudge night .
1949 5-window
1969 Camaro
1976 Chevy Luv yellow
1978 Chevy Luv Blue
1976 Chevy Luv Black
1979 Firebird Flooded in Harvey
1999 F350 Dually
2005 GMC Sierra 4.8 RCSB
2014 Explorer (wifes)

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