Thread: towing?
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Old 01-01-2009, 04:30 PM   #6
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Re: towing?


that is true. but think about it, back in the 60s, muscle cars brakes seems pretty good, even though they really sucked. thats becasue everyones brakes sucked, so really, in perportion to every one else, your brakes were normal, not many cars could really stop any faster or slower then any other cars..

put one of those 60's mucles cars (or our trucks) in with the mix or regular cars and trucks on the road today, and they are plain scary to drive, because the rest of the world can stop on a dime compared to these out-dated technology challenged brakes of yesterday.
- Jason

If you can turn, Youre not going fast enough.

Favorite caption:

first car to 200 mph in the 1/4 mile, no parachute, drum brakes all the way around..
..back when men were men.
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