Thread: 1970 color code
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Old 01-11-2009, 10:18 PM   #5
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Eastern - Manitoba Canada, Winnipeg
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Re: 1970 color code

521 is a for a white truck, are we to assume it has an optional paint scheme of a white roof? Wasn't available because it's a solid white color to begin with.
The optional white roof with any other color could give it up to 2 other paint numbers depending what area of the truck has a secondary color.
Not sure what truck your talking about for the paint scheme but lets use the one in your avatar for instance. Medium Green with Special Two Tone paint is option number 598. Best source for this type of paint scheme option number varification is the 1970 dealer data book which is what I'm looking at now for this number. Page 6 in the Cabs, Body, Color & Trim section.
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