Will "85 2wd brakes work on my truck..
friends gotta 1985 chevy rollin frame im wantin the disc brakes offa it? could i use the rear axles or no?
1-use front disc/5 lug, drill rears to 5 lug
2 cant use anythig
3 front end of truck like #1 and rear of truck using the 85 rear axle\
ive known him since i was lil hes a few years older than me, b4 i got into trucks he had a bunch of 67-72 chevys behind his house i just thought it was scrap, until today i was drivin by and thought, i wonder what years those were (didt know) so i called him and asked him, tomorow gonna go over and look at his 72 that hes buildin, i'll try to snap some pics! im excited