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Old 01-17-2009, 12:03 AM   #7
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Re: Buddy Buckets+Subs???

[QUOTE=Wreckless_71;3089504]Hey guys I'm putting buddy buckets in my 4x4 and have the tank in the stock location... The doors are already hacked so I'ma put some 6x9's in there and need ideas on what to do as far as a sub. I've built a couple of different types for the bench in my 2wd and right now I'm running a 12" RF Punch II. I have a couple of high end Kenwood 12" s chillin in my room waiting for the 4x4 but I just picked up the buddy buckets and have no idea what to do now... [SIZE="5"][SIZE="7"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="7"][SIZE="7"]There is a lot more room under the benchs than the buckets lol.[/QUOTE

I have a Bench seat.... i would sacrifice doing some trading so you can have your subs...

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