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Old 01-22-2009, 08:45 AM   #20
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Re: Insuring your truck...a note of caution. FYI

I agree about the everyday use and the miles per year. I have used Grundy on several of my trucks through the years. I hardly ever drove them after doing frame off 's on them. The first one that i insured they told me i could not have a trailer hitch on it. They also had me take pics. of the inside of bed, to see if it was being used and abused. I guess. I have had several people say that both companies pay off very well. I live in south east texas where hurricane Ike just hit a few months ago. East of me is a town called Bridge City, where they had up to 5-6 foot of storm surge come in. I know of about 20 collector cars that went under. I know, how come they left them behind. My buddy cleaned up about a dozen of them. 3-62 vettes,1-65 bb vette, 72-vette,62-ss impala 77-trans-am etc. They were all paid off, no problems. Full price and were gave the option to buy back at a really good price. Some went over the roof. My buddy had a 62 vette insured for 50000.00 and there were not any guestions asked.
These companies are made for collector-restored vehicles and pay off so good is because they hope they stay in your garages so they do not have any problems.
I will be having the same problem in the future when i finish my 72 bb swb. I plan on driving the wheels off of this one and not selling it.
55 Chevy original swb (big back window)
61 Chevy bubble top (427-5 speed)
67 Chevy stepside (Krusty)
68 Chevy swb fleet (Lola)
68 Chevy swb fleet
71 Chevy swb fleet ( future PB project)

97 crew cab power stroke
07 SS Trail blazer

Last edited by STP67-72; 01-22-2009 at 08:53 AM.
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