01-26-2009, 06:57 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: New Madison, Ohio
Posts: 21,377
Re: Insuring your truck...a note of caution. FYI
Update...well I got a call and was told by my agent that at the present stage of my project the insurance company want to cover my truck for $12,000 verse $24,000. I said I have over $20K into my truck as it sits so if it was stolen or whatever...I would be out over $8000. So what I thought was a slam dunk isn't. So now I am back in the market. I don't drink but I am about to start!
A husband can be right...or...A husband can be happy.
67-72 Chevy and GMC Trucks...The Classic Truck for the Classic Folk.
1970 CST Two tone green, 402BB, 400 Automatic, Tach, Buckets, AC, AM-FM, Tilt, GM CB, GM 8 Tract, LWB, etc 
JOHN 17:3...The better side of "LIFE"
Remember: Everyday is a good day...Some are just gooder!
Last edited by 70cst; 01-26-2009 at 06:59 PM.