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Old 01-27-2009, 09:53 PM   #17
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Re: Some one tried to steal the 72

Here is my little trick. I pulled the connector for my neutral safety switch and use a jumper to make the connection. With the jumper pulled you have nothing at the starter side of the ignition switch just like it was in gear. I want to put the switch back in line and splice into one side of the wire going to the connector and run that to a hidden switch.

I know this won't stop the pro but it will at least make the thief work a little harder.

I also use a Club and an Airplane Prop Lock I used on my Harley. I wrap it under the seat frame and wrap and I lock it through the steering wheel, and an alarm.

I do want to keep this on, they got my 66 SWB Fleet, may they rot in
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69 sweet long fleet, David
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