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Old 01-27-2009, 10:42 PM   #19
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Re: Some one tried to steal the 72

69gumby, I did something like what you did. Bought a starter solenoid and installed it between the frame rails so that it's hidden and wired it to a hidden momentary switch under the dash. You would have to look hard to know the heavy gauge wire makes a stop at that solenoid before it goes to the solenoid on the actual starter.

I did this because I can hotwire and start my own truck within 20 seconds by running a wire to the coil like it was said previously, then swinging down below and popping it off with a screwdriver... all without even getting into the truck. Then it's just a matter of breaking a window and driving off.

Doesn't matter what kind of fancy wire fanagling the thief tries, if he can't get the engine to spin over, it won't start. Now if you had a manual tranny, the thief could push start it, but that takes time and work. And they're mostly looking for a quick one.
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