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Old 01-31-2009, 03:10 PM   #12
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Re: best way to drop 3/4ton, any suggestions

Originally Posted by bignbad View Post
Thats somthing i dont understand why would anyone what to drop/lower a truck?then it should've been a car.It's usless as a truck then.Anything raise it up a few inches....i dont mean to make anyone mad...thats just my opinon,unlighten me on lowering trucks
three fourths of the trucks owned by the guys on this board never haul anything because they might get a scratch in the paint or wood in the bed.
That includes fully restored to showroom trucks and custom trucks that are dropped to the ground.

In my case my truck is a 71 3/4 ton camper special and it already rides like a lumber wagon according to my wife. about 600 lbs in the back actually smooth it out and take the bounce out.
As the truck sits I don't like the way the tires fit in the fenders and the rear end is up in 4x4 territory with the camper springs. I don't haul heavy loads as a rule and my sailboat and trailer don't compress the rear springs more than an inch when I tow the boat.
I want to cut the gap between the fender lip and the tire in half or a bit more. Also lower it that much so my 62 year old body can get in and out a bit easier.

Each of us makes choices when we do our trucks and often only the guys with a like mind set can really understand the thinking.
As for myself I can't quite understand why it is so important for some guys to take a 35 year old truck and spend ten times the original cost returning it to what appears to be original show room condition. Often restored to a condition that doesn't allow for use except for going to shows in fear of getting a scratch.
In the same token bagged trucks and the big oversize rims leave me cold. Spending mega bucks so the truck can look like the suspension is broken when you pull in and park it at a show. The "my wheels are bigger than yours" thing just isn't my style.
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