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Old 02-15-2009, 10:27 PM   #1
The Older Generation

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Paint Update On The '71

Well, we painted more stuff this weekend. My buddy Gary (he's in a couple of the pictures) does the painting and I do most of the grunt work. Some days I think my arms are going to fall off from all the sanding. It's also amazing how much taping it takes for a two-tone paint job…

I think it's really looking good and it really turned out smooth for doing it in a small two-car garage. Gary does some amazing paint work, that's for sure. The red is a custom mixed color that came from trying to match the existing interior paint. That didn't work so we ended up having to paint the interior anyway. The off white is 1956 Chevrolet India Ivory. It turned out to be a good combination. We are going to let the doors and fenders cure 'til Tuesday and bolt them on. Gary likes to paint the parts individually and then put them on the vehicle. I didn't have a problem with that. I will take some more pics after the cab is back together…

It will take me a couple of posts to get all of the pics up.

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