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Old 02-18-2009, 02:58 PM   #1
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odd picture request

hey guys, Im currently at school, and my truck is still in the barn for winter, and i need a picture of a truck with a hood up on a certain angle. I'm doing it for a computer project in school, and i need to photo shop my truck with the hood open for a web design project.

it can be any 69-72 chevy or GMC pickup, any color, just on this angle & height with the hood fully opened.

really appreciate it guys, ill post up my project when its finished, its really turning out cool!
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- Jason

If you can turn, Youre not going fast enough.

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first car to 200 mph in the 1/4 mile, no parachute, drum brakes all the way around..
..back when men were men.
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