Originally Posted by AceX
Vinegar and water mix will get rid of water spots. Use it in a spray bottle. I'm about to do this on my room mates black Cobalt SS once the weather gets better.
I tried that a while back. then my hubby stated that he even tried acetone on the windows and the water spots didn't even budge.
Its what years of 120 degrees of evil ball of fire in the sky will do when you don't attend to water spots when they happen in Phoenix. In Phoenix, you can wash the car the day before and the smear marks from wiping it down will even be hard to get off. Its Crazy.
I know those water spots have been on there for a good while, so I'm willing to use anything.
As a matter of fact, After talking about it earlier I called around to try and find the Meguiars product that was suggested and wouldn't you know it? NO ONE carries it. Not even the local hardware store..
So my roommate suggested Dawn dish washing soap and an SOS pad. it got all the grime off of the windows and the recent water spots but not the ones that have been there since god knows when.
So I sat down in front of the computer to do a little more research. Apparently out of the 10 to 12 websites I went to everyone was saying chrome polish.
I didnt think at this point it would hurt to try anything else so I went down to CSK and bought a 3pk of terry towels and a bottle of Turtle Wax Chrome Polish/ Rust Remover. 6 dollar investment.
After a whole lot of rubbin and some serious hand cramps from scrubbing it so hard, the glass looks like brand new and the water spots are non-existant.
Bad part is, if you seriously are thinking about using the chrome polish, invest in a small buffer..I still cant feel my hands.
So thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys, I figured since the Meguiars Medium-Cut is somewhat abrasive, I thought that maybe the Chrome Polish would be somewhat abrasive too.