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Old 02-23-2009, 11:16 AM   #15
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Re: The 68' needs some love!

1) I would Start with the brakes !! do it right, anything that is suspect should be replaced/repaired including the steel lines. Your truck not running is alot better than it not stopping!
2) Buy the cheapest spark plugs you can, if you pay $6 for plugs you are still going to get $1.39 worth of performance out of them. Be sure to get the proper heat range of plug.
3) Rebuilding a carb is pretty easy, but not something to figure out on your own, get someone who is GOOD at it to help or show you. Or as stated buy one already rebuilt, many trucks have burned because of a faulty carb rebuild.
4) Big spark plug wires are almost as big a waste as platnum plugs.
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