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Old 03-04-2009, 04:48 PM   #10
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: A lot of work ...

Sounds like you have a chevy with optional leaf springs. Some one added a 71/72 GMC grill and fenders, and a 67/68 GMC tailgate. It is interesting how they did the custom piece between the hood and grill. I kinda like the way it sits personally... but if the roads are bad, i can understand wanting to raise it back up.
Germany is a place i have wanted to go back to for a long time now. I was born up north in Bremenhaven, but we left right before I turned two... I don't remember much at all, just little fragments. I almost got a chance to go when i was in the army, but had to decline since I wouldn't have been able to take my family with me.
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