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Old 03-05-2009, 01:46 PM   #1
"brand new second-hand"
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Location: White House, Tennessee
Posts: 526
Why no lights in my 69 sidemarkers?

I have wondered why mu sidemarker reflectors do not light up? They look like other that have holes/bulbs and light up, but mine do not have the holes on the backside and no wiring-is this a late 68 or what? I thought starting in 68 all sidemaker lights had to be lite. anyone...
69 3/4t custom camper
tilt,am/fm,speed warning,air gauge,buddy buckets,aux battery, big block,p/s,p/b,a/c
67 Camaro
96 Impala ss-sold
04 hybrid Honda-saving gas for the blue truck!:
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