Well, we've all seen em and used em, the DIY pressure washer and foam brush car washes. I've spent $10 in them before because I had no clue what I was doing, you probably have to. Well here is a how to after finally learning how to use one the correct way. *This is just for the exterior*
This is my 10 step program to your truck's recovery from "LOS" lazy owner syndrome. "lol"
Things you will need:
$5 (Make sure you have $5 in the correct "change" the machine takes) My local car wash has a gold dollar change machine and that is the only form of money it will accept.
Armour All for tires or anything else you want to look greasy clean.
Windex and what ever you like to use to wipe it(I prefer diapers or newspaper)
Clean cloth or rag
Step 1, find a good DIY car wash with all the bells and whistles.
Step 2, pull your vehicle into the bay, park it centered in the bay front to back and left to right.
Step 3, make sure you windows are ALL CLOSED. Get out and deposit $5 into the machine(more if you take too long

Step 4, select "Tire Cleaner" (Phrase varies by car wash), this can be used on tires/wheels and engine and anything else that gets very dirty, greasy and grimy. *Note* Can be used on chrome, aluminum, mag, billet aluminum, powder coat, etc
Step 5, spray the "Tire Cleaner" onto tires/wheels and anything else you deem fit.
Step 5, go back to the machine and select "Pre Wash/Soak", once you have done that spray the whole vehicle except the tires/wheels etc.
Step 6, once you have sprayed all things not soaked by "Tire Cleaner" select "Soap/High Pressure Soap" then spray everything but the "Tire Cleaner" sprayed things.
Step 7, select "Rinse/High Pressure Rinse", spray the ENTIRE vehicle from top to bottom as to get ALL the soap off, spray the "Tire Cleaner" things as well.
Step 7, once you have gotten ALL the soap off you should have about 30s left, go back and make sure you got all the soap(check the roof).
Step 8, pull you car out and apply the "Armour All" to all things you want "Greasy Clean", then apply Windex to the exterior of the windows and wipe of with you choice of "wiper", I prefer diapers or newspaper.
Step 9, after wait approximately 10 minutes use the rag/cloth to wipe off the "Armour All" soaked things.
Step 10, drive home safely and DONT drive in dirt.