Thread: 2 questions
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Old 03-17-2009, 04:27 PM   #1
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2 questions

1) Is there a good reference (or link on here) with all the body mounting points? Hoping to get down to bare frame sometime in the next week or two on the personal truck project.

2) The work truck ('84) is not crankin when it gets hot. All electric comes on, but its not even trying to turn over. Im thinking the heat of long trips is getting to the starter. The other guys at the shop are saying that cant be the problem since the starter was just replaced. Is there any other thing we could be checking? Once we let it sit for 20 or 30 minutes it fires right up and runs fine. Short trips are ok, but anything a half hour and beyond and your stuck waitin for 20 lol. That tells me its got to be a heat related issue somewhere. Any ideas?

Thanks all
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