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Old 03-28-2009, 09:22 AM   #7
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Re: Engine break in on a stand

If it is a flat tappet cam, you need to run the engine at 2000-2500 rpm for 20 minutes to break in the cam. Once the cam is broke in, and the truck is on the road you need to put full load on the engine to seat the rings. Full load would be high gear, full throttle,,,,,not high rpm, high load. With new ring technology, for ring seat in,follow the manufacturers recommendation fist. If it is a roller cam, no break in required . The first run break in for an engine is to break in the cam and lifters to each other. After all that just drive it. Everyone seems to think you have to drive a new engine easy. This idea comes from reading the break in procedure for a new CAR or TRUCK, where every thing is new. Its funny that when people get a new transmission, rear end, brakes, or anything else there doesn't seem to be any talk of break in, but on a new car its actually all the other things you are breaking in for the fist few hundred miles. I love the nascar description of breaking in and testing an engine. Break in the cam, change the oil, and check for leaks and such, do final adjustments, fire up the engine, put a brick on the gas pedal, and leave it for 5 hours. If when you come back its still running, you have a good engine.
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