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Old 03-29-2009, 12:42 AM   #1
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71 BB Turbo 400 wiring bolt location

I purchased a new TCS harness because it is part of the kickdown wiring that goes to the turbo 400. The part of the harness that goes to the transmission has a bracket on it that is used to hold the harness somewhere behind the engine with a bolt. The bracket does not line up with any bolts. My original harness was so bad that it wasn't mounted to anything. In fact it was falling apart. I assume it should mount either to a bolt hole on the rear of the head or to the bell housing, but it doesn't line up so it's got me stumped. Can someone with an original setup take a look and see where this harness bracket is supposed to be bolted down?

Last edited by stope4; 03-29-2009 at 12:43 AM.
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