Re: brake proportioning valve= no reset?
Originally Posted by Sport/Truck
I may take you up on that.
But here's what I'm going to you think this will work?
I used a ohm meter on the warning light switch, it reads continuity, no fluid to the rear so, I'm going to tap the front on the anvil to cause the piston to shift forward until it's reading no continuity.
Think this will work?
Maybe, anything is possible...but if you mess something up, I have a complete prop. valve that was working before I bought a new one. Keep us posted on your progress. Got 2 good tips so far
I could be wrong, but isn't the reset on the front of the prop. valve
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man
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Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training
AS usual, off topic
They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first
Last edited by jaros44sr; 03-29-2009 at 10:52 AM.