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Old 04-02-2009, 05:26 PM   #13
Bob 68327
72 Chevelle Club
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Re: 69 250 inline and 4 speed

Originally Posted by 72BlckButy View Post
Bob is storing this an issue?

Maybe Tim, you and I can work out something and I could get it a little closer for him. I was considering the motor just for something to tinker with and maybe rebuild in the future, but wasn't going to need the tranny. It would be a month (or maybe longer) before I could make it up there.

If storing is an issue... no big deal, that's why I wanted to pass it onto someone else if they truly needed it.
Storing it is not an issue if you want it let me know . You are first in line and if you want me to split it for you guys I would say $50 for the motor and $25 for the trans. As far as payment I can wait till you come get it . If you guys want to get together and make one payment that's fine with me . Let me know . Bob
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