This could go back and forth forever.I could have fun,but I`m doin`the cheek turn thing.He runs down his lane on his mower,looks over with his stink stick in his mouth,and glares.I smile and nod or give a casual wave,like raise my index finger with a nod.He`s like a cartoon character on that big bad mower

(looks like a toy under his big arse).
They get all excited once about this time of year and plant something they never water and it dies.Years ago they planted roses between the white fence and lane.It must have rained alot that year,they made it

.They have not touched them since.I trimmed them every winter and always clipped the spent roses so they`s flower all summer instead of once.So,they alwats looked real nice and they didn`t know why.Now 1/2 are dead and the rest look like "H".The old man allowed me to use the lane to access the barn and slab I work off of.These folks would accuse me of running over the roses they ran over.I never touched the ones behind my line and they all died within a year or two.
Back when they had trash service they`d get cut off and they`d just leave it all out there,no lids,Stacked high and falling over,bags on the ground for a month.I`d slip some over to my drive until it all magically disappeared(in thier eyes).of course animals would tear into it.
Then,they`d pile it on their illegal deck and animals would tear into it.She`d accuse my dog who is either on a 70' runner with 16' lead or loose while I`m with him.I suggested that perhaps the cats the other clan household allowed to breed freely,opossums,raccoons,crows,other stray dogs could be doing it.Do people build decks to keep bags of trash for weeks?How pleasant.
This sure has turned into a gripefest.Not my intention,so sorry.I could have posted something about them or her brother`s family every week since I`ve been on this site,but my probs are just that.
This is my happy place.