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Old 04-09-2009, 09:37 PM   #1
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Location: Cherry Valley, Illinois
Posts: 636
Brake line replacement

I finally got down to pulling the right rear wheel on the truck which is kind of chore with the 8 lug and i just had a breaker bar, Couldn't find a 1/2" ratchet for the life of me. I'll talk more about that in a minute. I find a bad wheel cylinder. I order a new one from the parts store and pick it up next day. I should've figured the line would be frozen. I did spray it down with croil yesturday. Today after work i go to break the line loose, and it breaks just before the fitting. Go figure, lol. So i head over to the parts store and pick up a line. I picked up a 40" line. Shoulda gone with a 30". I was thinking i'd just bend what i need, cut, flare and have extra. The brake lines have been replaced by the previous owner at some point, they aren't very rusty, although the line snapped anyways. Cheap lines? Someone mentioned some crazy black bendable and unbendable brake line that NAPA apparently sells, but nobody seems to know what it's called. They know what you want though when you ask for it. What's up with that stuff? Supposed to be more corrosion resistant and stronger than stainless somehow. Now i'm thinking about buying a roll and replacing all the lines.... Anyone know about this stuff?
On the lighter side of the whole ordeal, I picked up a tool to replace my hiding 1/2" ratchets. 17" locking adjustable 1/2" drive with the nice soft grip.
This will be a mainstay in the truck from now on so i won't be forced to use a breaker bar again. Worst part is, I could've replaced all the lines, tune up, finish the exhaust, add tips for the price of the ratchet. But this ratchet is gonna save alot of effort and time. Maybe i'm just addicted to tools.

Last edited by exmonkeypunk; 04-09-2009 at 09:39 PM.
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