I was worried about it binding there also but I can lift it about 4 feet off the ground installed wich gives me plenty of travel (I hope). I built it after I looked at 300.00 ones that did not look half as sturdy as mine. I overbuilt it by the towbar standards on the market that I saw.
As far as the deal, I think it was fair, $150.00

(originally wanted 600) I figured the frame was worth that, even though the knothead bent the rear horn pulling it out of the field for me. The frame is what I really wanted so I could detail it, and start ground up without putting the '69 out of commision this summer, by the time the frame is done and my engine is out of hock at the machine shop it will be winter and I can swap the bodys over.
last week I threw an old 4 bolt 350 together and put a 700r4 in it to get me mobile before my new engine is done later this month.