Originally Posted by special-K
Does brick keep the wombats out? 
Were log cabins ever built by settlers in the early days?Our old cities and towns are primarily brick.Rural construction was log or stone until saw mills were established.with the abundance of timber many homes were constructed of log,then covered with lap siding on the exterior and plaster on the interior,over strips and lathe.Mine`s log with siding.I exposed the log on the interior.The first addition was timber-frame(still hand hewn),second was sawmill lumber stud framimg,latest (my work) is kiln dried & planed nominal lumber.
Plastic and resin is taking over!!!!maybe someday we`ll walk through the composite grove holding our lover`s(not lawnmower`s)hand.
Let me get this straight...if I go to Australia everyone will say G`day Mate,drive Subarus(you make those,right?) with kangaroo damage,eat off the barby,drink beer by the litre anywhere I want,I`ll see great white sharks at the beach where the whole nation surfs,Aboriginese walking about all over the place blowing those things I forget the name of,look up into a Eucalyptus tree and see a koala bear,and if I look in one direction I`ll see Sidney Harbour with the amphitheatre and Ayre`s Rock in the other,right? 
Oh,and everyone lives in brick houses with iron roofs. 
tim... u crack me up..

no , there is nothing that will keep a wombat out.. they are very dangerous, they have been known to flip cars on their roofs and run straight though brick walls...
log cabins not so much, the earlyest houses were stone and mortar with wooden plank on frame roofs, then alot of houses were built completely of plank on frame, with tin roofs and plaster inner walls.
and if you come to australia it will be more like this...: everyone will say g,day or howzit goin mate, everyone will drive holden or ford utes covered in red dust, you most likley will eat kangaroo steaks off the barbie, and drink as much of any beer you want exept fosters, you will see people surfing and people getting eaten by great white sharks, you wont see aboridginals playing didgeridoo`s but you will see them drunk and fighting each other or passed out in the parks or on the road, if you look up into a eucalyptus tree your more likely to be hit by a drop-bear, but koalas do exist.... and if your in sydney you wont see ayres rock, and if your at ayres rock you wont see sydney but you mite get abducted by aliens... and yes houses do have iron roofs...

and subarus are made in japan..