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Old 04-18-2009, 11:28 PM   #15
see ten
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Re: Saturday pics (4-18) Spring Rod Run

Originally Posted by jbristo67 View Post
All those trucks for sale makes me sad for their owners
With the way most of em are priced you shouldn't be sad! The Rod Run weekends are known for having highly inflated prices.

You have to look at it like this. Either they're selling something that they've got very little in trying to make some money...Or they're tired of it and want to move on to something else...Then there's the minority that are genuinely in a bind and turning loose their pickup in order to make ends meet somewhere else. I DEFINITLY have no pity for the first two...The guys in the other least they've got something of value that someone else desires, otherwise they'd be even worse off. I'm happy that they're smart enough to turn loose of an old truck that they're probably not driving and don't need instead of loosing they're home or business.

Besides, very few of us on this forum would have a truck to work on if it wasn't for someone else deciding that they didn't want it anymore! I'm not sure but I would bet that the number of one owner/original purchaser members here are very low.
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