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Old 04-19-2009, 08:51 AM   #23
see ten
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Re: Saturday pics (4-18) Spring Rod Run

Thanks guys!

I've seen ride on scooters like this before that have briggs engines (or something similar) hidden under the body. I'm pretty sure that this one had one of those "mock up" blocks like you see in the parts stores with all the chrome goodies on it. You'll also notice that there is no distributor. The wires just run from one side of the dummy block to the other. It was difficult to get a clear shot of it with all the people crowding around it.

As far as it not being a show...You're correct! None of these were taken on the show grounds. There are thousands of cars and trucks that just come up to cruise the strip. People know that there are going to be a lot of guys wandering around with car/truck fever due to seeing all of these old vehicles that they wish they could call their own so they slap a "For Sale" sign on em. Most of them aren't really for sale. They've got "Dream Prices" on them. On the other hand, if you're a motivated seller and have got your ride priced to sell, this is the place to make it happen. I've heard rumors of suitcases of cash changing hands at this event, but I've never seen it. One of my first trips I made to this show I did watch two guys negotiating a trade on a couple of Pro-street cars, the trailers they were hauled in on and the tow rigs. I've got a buddy that drove his 70-73 RS Camaro up there and plopped a for sale sign on it and the car was sold in less then ten minutes. He priced it for more then what he had in it but apparently it was still to cheap. He says now that he should have just pulled the sign and told the guys that were argueing about which one of em saw it first that it was no longer for sale....Then get in it and drive down the strip find a new parking spot and mark it up! I've got another friend that bought a kit/custom bike that was covered with chrome and billet for less then what the engine would have cost him to replace...the bike had 300 miles on it. Deals do happen at this show. I guess you've just gotta be at the right place at the right time.
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