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Old 04-22-2009, 03:39 PM   #15
John Fabris
TOTY 2006
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Re: Any way around backed up registration fees

Find another DMV clerk (you may have to stand back for a while and watch each clerk and look for the happy ones and the ones that seem to be the most helpful to each client. Then explain that you brought this vehicle and you want to register it in your name and you want to find out what the process is. She then will tell you about the back fees, and you can ask surprise, and indicate the person you just brought it from lied to you about the fees, and you cannot afford to register it, and that you are going to just junk it out. This way, it indicates that CA and DMV are at risk of loosing yearly fees for this vehical if you junk it out. Hopefully the DMV agent will have you sign a statment of facts of what you just said, and then her or shift manager can reduce the fees in hopes that you will register it. I have done this a few times, knocking off as much as $1000 ($1400 down to $400). Not a sure thing, but if you find the right clerk, they do have wiggle room.
John Fabris
67 C10 SWB
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