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Old 04-30-2009, 11:34 AM   #1
I Like Mine With No Shine!
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1982 6.2 diesel into a 1967 C10?

Hey guys. I've done a little research on this swap. Just wanting to get a few opinions and suggestions. I haven't bought either truck yet. Im looking at a 1982 Chevy 1500 with a 6.2 diesel motor with just over 100k miles. I am also looking at a 1967 Chevy C10. I am wanting to swap the 6.2 diesel into the C10. Here we go:
From what I understand, the diesel should drop right in with big block mounts and mate to a 700r4 without any issues. Is this correct?

I know I have read somewhere that I should be looking for the "J" model 1988 or newer engine, but aside from the horsepower/torque, is there any other differences in the motors?

I also understand that, the front suspension/brakes could be swapped out very easily by just bolting up the entire front suspension to the C10 frame?

One more thing, how hard would it be to get the a/c from the 82 diesel hooked up with the C10 cab?

Any info would be great. I hate to drop money on a complete diesel truck now and then find out later I should have gone with something else. Or is it just as easy to just buy a motor alone and do the swap. I wanna do the diesel swap and run Straight Vegetable Oil. Not a lot of info about this on this forum but I thought I would ask. Everyone on here has alot of great advice. Thanks.

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