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Old 05-17-2009, 10:48 AM   #4
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: 72 gmc to 72 chevy?

You are best off swapping the whole front clip as one piece. Fenders, hood, core support, grill... and you'll need the bumper too.
The grill core support and bumper are obviouse after 2 seconds of inspection time.
The GMC hood would have the holes for the lettering, nothing at all drilled on the Chevy.
The fenders are not the same, they look it at a glance, but they aren't.
Don't forget a tailgate, badges, glove box emblim, console lid emblim (if aplicable) horn button, and hub caps for your identification swap.

You'll catch flack no matter what you do. If you leave it GMC, then a bunch of the chevy guys will tell you it's the ugly 4 eyed suster. If you make it a chevy, then many of us will say you are removing the sexy added brightwork and making it a belly button truck... kinda like painting a 69 camaro red. Who hasn't seen that?

In the end, screw what they/we say. Make your baby your dream truck

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 05-17-2009 at 10:49 AM.
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