Thread: C-10 Planter
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Old 06-01-2009, 11:42 AM   #9
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Re: C-10 Planter

The wife kept changing her mind about where she wanted it so I guess the shade can follow her around now

That is the first of two trees I planted (32" root ball so they are HEAVY). That is my neighbor across the streets house. My wife ran in and got the camera to show her family what her country boy husband was up to now (the tree was leaned against the tailgate in transit). This was the first test of my "1,500 lb. Helper Springs" I installed and must say they really helped. Before I put them on the rear bumper would have been dragging. I won't show pics of my neighbor standing on the back of my John Deere for added traction to get that thing drug into the back yard (I really miss alleys). The guy at the nursery said I would have to remove the tailgate or it would bow due to the wait when rolling the tree off the back, I guess he doesn't know that trucks were once built like these tanks (I did scratch the paint a bit though
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