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Old 07-01-2009, 10:44 AM   #1
Catchy title goes here..
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Rockwell, NC
Posts: 39,822
Please update your email address

Please take a moment and check your email address associated with your account.

To do so
Go to your usercp
On the left side menu go to
  • Settings & Options
  • Edit Email & Password

Check and ensure that is a working email address. If you need to change it, you can do so from that page.

When you change your email address, you will be sent a confirmation email. You MUST click the link in that email or you will be locked out of your account.

If you use yahoo, aol, earthlink and many others.. you will NOT receive mail from the site unless you add the site to your safe list.

This goes for many other providers as well now. You must set your junk filters, or allowed lists etc to allow mail from the site. If you do not, we end up getting bounced mail. Many providers have decided that all forum type sites are spam, and auto junk file site mail.

Also, if you have an email that demands we respond to it and answer all kinds of questions so that you can get site mail... well its not happening We get a few of those a month. "confirm you know blah blah for your email to go through" nope, we in turn just shut off all that users email options.

And last but not least, if you use office mail, and it sends out auto out of office mail. Please change email addys. Its annoying to sift through a users out of office replies to all their subscribed threads when they take a day off.

Anyway, pleas just check your email addys, make sure they are correct and allowing site mail.

Thank you
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