Thread: Brake issues
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Old 07-15-2009, 10:46 AM   #2
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Re: Brake issues

It does take more effort to stop with non powered brakes especially if you are not used to them. Also a lot depends on the brake shoe material and adjustment. Can't use asbestos anymore.

If you bought new shoes and/or master cylinder they may be at fault. I've had trouble in the past with new master cylinders. I had to take one back 3 times and finally asked for my money back. I bought from a different auto store and didn't have anymore problems. Brake shoes the same way. Some of them just plain suck.

I have non powered brake drums on my 68 GMC and it does take a little more effort to stop than powered brakes but not that much. But, I also have the original brake shoes which I'm sure have asbestos in them.
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