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Old 07-18-2009, 01:27 AM   #8
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Re: push rod install

I had to read your post about 4 or 5 times there...

I "think" I know what you are trying to get at.

Here is my .02 on this.

First off, why are you wanting to change just the push rods?
You can change them, just as long as you match the new ones with the old ones to make sure you have the right ones (length, and width). If they are bent or damaged, then you have other problems to worry about than just push rods.

Now the "Running method" you refer to. I personally have done this, and it is VERY messy and dangerous. Since oil will go every where, and will collect enough on the hot exhaust to possibly start a fire. So have an extinguisher close to you!
The way I did it (don't ask me why I did this, but it seemed like a good idea at the time) was to take an old valve cover, then cut it in half length wise then install it. This will prevent most of the oil from runnning out and onto your exhaust. It will pool up in the lower corner of the head by the firewall.
The next thing I did was attach rocker clips to the rocker arms, these are to prevent the oil from squirting up and over the head and onto you.

I got the clips from some speed shop many years ago, and have no idea if they are still even made? Just the fact that those were available, said that people do in fact adjust rockers this way I guess. If you don't have these, then plan on a major mess.

Personally I would never do this again. Huge mess for what it's worth.

On top of all this, you will burn your hands with the hot oil.

I suggest you rethink this some more.
1968 K20 Suburban
1972 K10 LWB PU
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