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Old 07-24-2009, 08:44 PM   #16
C-20 Long Stroker
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Re: Got a new Burb, need some info...


We made it fine. The Suburban must have 3.08 gears because it went down the road at 70 to 75 no problems. We got about 13 mpg on the way home. It was HOT, no A/C and that was the week it was 100+ everywhere we went. We stopped during the day a lot and drove at night.

Have been working on it since I got back. New radio and speakers, pulled heater system out and ordered Vintage Air, insulation being put in, windows get tint on Tuesday, new power booster put in. I'll post some pics when I get finished with a little more of it.

It does get the looks !!!

Thanks again, Dan
"A Hand Shake Is Your Word."
1951 Chevrolet Suburban
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1963 Mercury Comet 2-dr Parts Car, (better than what I originally started with)
2010 F-150 4WD
2015 Subaru Outback (what the hey, got to have one that is not a gas hog)
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