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Old 07-27-2009, 05:16 PM   #1
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temp gauge problems

I asked about temp gauge problems a while back and was given a chart to follow as to what the problem might be and I followed it and found that the sending unit was good, the gauge pegged out when grounded, so it shows up good. What is happening is that the gauge is setting at bottom when cranked up, then once warm, the gauge comes up to about a quarter of the gauge and about half way to mid point temp. That is as far as it goes. I got my a/c working over the weekend and figured that with the extra pull and heat that the gauge would run hot without my fans on. Temp stayed about the same and never ran into the hot zone with or with out the fans on. So, my question is can anyone explain what is going wrong? I doubt that I have that perfect a cooling system that it never runs over a quarter cool. Since this all works off resistance, could the gauge be working but not working correctly? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
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