Thread: what to do????
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Old 08-05-2009, 01:16 PM   #16
red caddy
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Re: what to do????

Well, if it was my choice, I'd keep the 1 ton. I really like the service bed.

Yea, they're butt ugly but My 1 ton flat bed was/is my daily driver/tow rig (If I ever get the paint work done) and dosen't have nearly enough stowage space.

That Reed bed will still hual a 4 X 8 sheet flat and 16 Ft. 2 X's from Hodepo and let you tow a big tag as well. Not much style, and won't do well with a goose neck trailer, but more bang for the buck. (IMHO) Paul (All my trucks are work trucks but some are prettier than others,LOL)
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