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Old 08-09-2009, 04:52 AM   #1
John Pasinski
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Replacement windshield

FYI...........When I bought my '72, the windshield had (3) bee bee holes, and several long cracks out from the holes. Of course my insurance was not gonna pay for "a pre-existing condition". I DID NOT want to attempt replacement myself due to the intimidation factor, not to mention trying to locate a windshield. Where I work, we have SAFELGHT Autoglass replace our windshields. I went on their website, in 5 minutes I had an appointment scheduled for Saturday morning, AND they had the correct style windshield IN STOCK! The tech was great, and was out of here in about an hour. Yes, I was able to re-use my windshield seal as it was not cracked or dry or rotted. He also "peeled back" the seal above the windshield and applied some type of liquidy (?) rubbery sealent. He didn't damage the chrome strip around the seal either. The cost....$175.00 tax incl. (I also tipped him $10.00) . I hope this helps. ~John~
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