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Old 08-09-2009, 01:31 PM   #1
It'll buff out
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Blanchard,Ok
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Unhappy Truck got hit once again

This morning my parents went to church and i stayed home sleeping, then they get home and my dad comes up to my room and says a i backed into your truck. I just figured he was trying to get me out of bed but he sounded kinda sad so I wasn't sure. So I got up and looked and he went straight into the front and messed up my new grill shell and billet grill I got from Tri-Pro(the one my sister got me for her backing into it), and my hood is messed up

And last night I entered my truck into my first car show, it was the Okie Twist Off 3 ( its a big rat rod show)
The show was right on the 39th street(That's where everyone cruises on sat. night) So after the show me and my friends went and cruised, And my Cousin and my sister showed up in my aunts brand new Challenger with a hemi. You know what that means, we got a open spot on the light and raced(I won ) and I look behind me and see cop lights!
So I got my first ticket that I actually have to pay. I have got quite a few but got out of them because they liked my truck.
So I had my first car show, first ticket(Competition of speed), and my truck got hit again the day after
1972 Chevy c10 swb
2008 CBR600RR Grafitti edition

My Build
Cody Allen

Last edited by allen123; 08-09-2009 at 01:33 PM.
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