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Old 08-11-2009, 12:05 PM   #7
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Re: Carlisle-where have all the good parts gone ?

Just another opinion, but...

I thought this year was better than last. Besides that, for most things, I've given up on buying used, because it's either radically expensive, or junk that's in no better shape than what I already have. There's not enough value to most of these trucks to justify buying $800 NOS tailgates or $3000 bedsides to be left with a truck you'd have problems selling for $5000-$6000. I'll either fix what I have, or buy something reproduced.

Based on my budget, I got into trucks. They are much cheaper to get, and much more plentiful than muscle cars. I think the prices of things are getting out of hand. Thank heavens for the aftermarket, even if it's not perfect.
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