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Old 08-12-2009, 11:00 PM   #12
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Join Date: May 2007
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Posts: 617
Re: Carlisle-where have all the good parts gone ?

Hey, I found some pictures from the first Carlisle truck show I went to back in 1998. If you look closely in the background, you'll see the Golden State Pick-up Parts tent. This is around the time when Seth Doulton was selling out all of his parts. I remember he had tons of rust free metal and boxes and boxes of NOS hubcaps for all years. I bought 1968 small hubcaps still in GM paper wrappers for $50 for the set of 4. If I only knew back then, what I know now, I would have bought a lot more !

You can see in the pictures below that Carlisle used to actually group the trucks together by year and make. I wish they would do that now, it was cool to see the 67-72's all lined up, I don't like the way it's all mixed up now.

I think next year, we will have to post a reminder a few weeks before about the truck show. I've spoken to a few people and they missed the show because they forgot all about it! It's a great show but we need to get more 67-72 guys to go.

enjoy the vintage pics ! LUCKTRUCK

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