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Old 08-19-2009, 10:00 AM   #11
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Re: Gear Vendors Question

Originally Posted by dazza View Post
So Longhorn,

Is your adapter being used as a door stop or did they take it back? If you're using the door stop option and decided to sell, what would you be asking for it?

Actually, I was fortunate enough that they took the whole shootin' match back and refunded my money. Customer service is FANTASTIC over there. I just found it hard to believe that they couldn't come up with an adaptor that would work. Oh well, such is life.

I have a cousin with a 3/4 ton F**D with a 460, O/D tranny and a gear vendors. Tires are average, about 31/32". He's taching about 1800 RPM at 70 MPH, which is fine when empty. He runs one gear lower when he's towing his fifth wheel. He said the ability to split the gears is awesome when he starts up a hill... There's no point where he has to wrap it out or lug it. He can ALWAYS keep it in the torque band.

Even though I never got mine installed, I would think anybody who can swing the price would not be disappoiinted in adding one of these to their truck.
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