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Old 08-29-2009, 11:22 PM   #1
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Trouble when I punch it ...

Hey gang -

I just got my brakes all rebuilt and decided to go for a little spin in my new toy. It took me a little while to get her started, but when I did things seemed to be tooling along just fine. When I went to put it in gear and pull out of the garage ... stall. Repeat x 10.

I took the inline fuel filter out of the line from the fuel pump to the carb - and it was ridiculous. I went over to napa and got me a fresh filter. Popped it in and she fired right up and started to move. I was really feeling accomplished at this point. Until I got out on an abandoned stretch of road and punched the accelerator and it bogged down and almost stalled. I can add throttle slowly and it will pick up speed just fine, but if I try to pour it on too fast - no can do.

Any suggestions for a newbie like me? Am I going to have to learn how to rebuild a carburetor or does this sound like something you have heard of before?
'71 GMC 1500 Longbed (Marilyn: PICS)
'04 Toyota Tacoma (grocery getter)
'03 Lexus ES 300 (Wife's)
'72 GMC Short Fleet (Sold - offer I couldn't refuse)
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