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Old 09-01-2009, 08:55 PM   #25
C-20 Long Stroker
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Location: Frohna, MO
Posts: 137
Re: Got a new Burb, need some info...

Hey JoeKan,
Sure does.

There are several different after market A/C systems out there. I have used Vintage Air on many projects. This is the first time I have used one of there "Sure Fit Systems", which means everything is already figured out for you. You do have to cut holes in the dash to get the "factory" look.

I have done several other A/C jobs using their behind dash units and cut and fit my own A/C outlets. I did a 1954 Chevy Sedan Delivery, 1954 Ford Customline, 1956 Ford Station Wagon and a 1963 Chevy C-20. All but the C-20 were custom fitted behind the dash units where you had to do all the figuring yourself. The '63 was just a hang on unit.

I will say the "Sure Fit" is much easier to do. It comes with all the hoses pre-made. The others I had to cut and crimp all the hoses. The sure fit used many of the existing mounting holes from the heater system.

If you have good mechanical skills you can do it. Good luck !!!
"A Hand Shake Is Your Word."
1951 Chevrolet Suburban
1952 GMC Suburban
1963 Mercury Comet 2-dr (Sorry, I know)
1963 Mercury Comet 2-dr Parts Car, (better than what I originally started with)
2010 F-150 4WD
2015 Subaru Outback (what the hey, got to have one that is not a gas hog)
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