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Old 09-05-2009, 12:11 PM   #22
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Re: Here's a '71 still working for a living - <lots of pics>

3.73 is the perfect performance/towing gear for a 1/2 ton. an overdrive trans is the only thing needed if you do a lot of highway driving. my 72 burb 3/4 ton has 4.57 gears that will be swapped out for 4.10 and i will be adding an overdrive. that truck is too beautiful to be used in such a manner, and yet it is gratifying to see a nice old truck still doing what GM intended all along. if the engine ever needs replacing....go with a will get more power for the same gas mileage. i bought my burb for towing trailers as much as gracing the show scene....only way to rationalize a vehicle that isn't an economical ho hum daily driver type.
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