Thread: VIN locations
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Old 09-08-2009, 01:35 PM   #1
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VIN locations

I recently bought an Army surplus 1985 Blazer at a government auction house(govliquidation). I drove 6 hours to pick it up ,then found out the VIN plate on the dash was missing but still drove it home. The door sticker is missing but there is a VIN on the glove box sticker has the VIN. I don't think the State of Colorado will accept the VIN on the glove box so I'm trying to find another place that has the VIN stamped.

I looked on in some places that others have found the VIN (top of frame in engine bay) but can't seem to find it stamped anywhere on the frame. Does anyone know exactly where it the VIN is located on the frame or other part of the body that's not easily removed?

Thanks in advance.
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